Games workshop, September 2024. Personal project.
This was my 2024 entry for Golden Demon in Spiel Essen.
I was in a weird spot with this one, i rushed it a lot, i had to paint it in 3 weeks and even if i am very happy with some things i felt like it was not crafted well enough, like it lacks love and “mimo” how we say it in Spanish.
At the end i got a finalist pin with it, which is quite disapointing but i can’t complain about it, i know perfectly well what GD values and i didn’t do well in that sense.
My thoughts on the Golden demon overall are a bit different, i did an instagram post talking about it, some people wanted to read it as a sore loser response but i am fine with it, i think we have to speak up about things we don’t agree to try to change them.

The head is from the old Dante and yes i painted them in sub assemblies 🙂
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